List and briefly explain the four broad categories of performance appraisal plans.

This assignment will cover two types of pay which are adjustments to the core compensation. They are seniority and merit which are used by companies to compensate employees for time at the company and job performance. It will also cover the pros and cons of both seniority and merit pay along with the use of performance appraisals to assess performance.
1. Both merit and seniority fall under adjustments to the core compensation. Explain each and then list three pros and three cons for each.
2. Currently most unionized private sector and public sector organizations use which type and why?
3. Effective performance appraisals are essential to implement which type of pay? Explain.
4. List and briefly explain the four broad categories of performance appraisal plans.
5. An important case regarding performance appraisals is Brito v. Zia Company. Briefly explain the case and states its importance for you to remember and apply.
6. What is a 360-degree performance appraisal? From your understanding of it, do you believe it would be effective? Explain.
7. Persons conducting performance appraisals often rate on some other basis than performance. Your text mentions four types of rater errors. List and briefly explain.
8. Based on your understanding and learning about the performance appraisal process and the two types of traditional pay, which do you believe is the fairest and most effective? Explain.
9. Write a one-page paper on a performance evaluation that you have experienced. Be as specific as possible in regards to the steps involved. Include in your one-page paper the answers to questions #10- #16 below. (Note: if you have not had a formal performance evaluation by an employer, you may use one given by a coach or teacher).
10. The evaluation criteria used and your understanding of it. Compare it to the types of performance appraisal plans listed in Chapter 3. Which type was yours?
11. How the evaluator presented your evaluation to you.
12. Was the evaluation a correct overview of your performance?
13. Did it motivate you? Why or why not?
14. Was there discussion between you and the evaluator as to improvement steps?
15. Did the evaluator make a rater error per the descriptions in Chapter 3?
16. How would you change the process incorporating what you have learned from reading material from Chapter 3?

book: Martocchio, J.J., Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach, 10th ed. Pearson. ISBN 13-978-0-13-519214-6.