Using three (3) sociological theories of racism from Chapter 4 (see theory handout for the
options), explain a contemporary issue related to race/racism.
• Contemporary issue must be drawn from news/media sources within the last three
years. News sources include any and all mainstream news/media outlets (CNN, New
York Times, MSNBC, Los Angeles Times, Daily Beast, Fox News, Vox, BuzzFeed,
Vice, etc.). Include citation of news source in body of text and in works cited section.
• Apply the theories to the current event on race/racism. Define the theories and then
evaluate how those three theories explain your contemporary issue. Make sure
you bold and underline the theories in your essay.
• Finally, identify and assess which one of the three theories best explain your current
event and why?
Your paper must be written in the following structure:
• Introduction (statement of issue and thesis), see this link for how to create a thesis. Make
sure you bold and underline your thesis.
• Current event (describe the issue, citing news source),
• Theories (define and describe the theories),
• Application (apply the theories to your current event),
• Theoretical Choice (what theory best explains your current event and why).
• Conclusion (restate your issue and thesis)