What are possible causes for this communication disorder?

You will choose a specific communication disorder that you may encounter with a child to further research and present in research essay. The communication disorder i have chosen is stuttering. The research essay needs to be 3-5 pages long.
Guiding Questions (these must be reflected in your paper, though not necessarily in this order)
What is the disorder you researched? Explain in detail.
What are signs/indicators of this disorder? At what age might you notice?
What is the assessment used to determine if this is a disorder? Describe if details available.
What is the treatment? Who would support this child?
What are possible causes for this communication disorder?
What can and should you do as the teacher to support the child?
What tips can you give parents for support at home?
Are there other delays or disorders commonly associated with this delay?
Anything else you find interesting or noteworthy about this topic
Please use Spelling/Grammar Check
3-5 pages, Double Spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font
If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to ask.