A Current Sociological Study

The first part will be to locate a Research Article and get it approved. The second will be to summarize the research article. And the final product will be a narrated PowerPoint presentation highlighting specific aspects of the research study and its relevance today.
1. The article is due no later than February 25th. I will begin accepting article submissions immediately. Find an empirical research study conducted in the field of sociology that has been published within the last ten years in a peer-reviewed journal of sociology. It cannot be a literature review or theoretical article. Make sure to choose an article that you are able to understand and that your classmates will benefit from learning about. I strongly recommend that you use a research study based in the USA.
Access to scholarly journals is provided for free by the Middlesex County College library. Be sure to visit the library databases or ask a librarian for assistance.
You must submit a pdf of your article, full citations and garner my approval before you begin your work on the summary and presentation.
2. The article summary is due by March 25th. You should answer fully the purpose of the research, what problem is it trying to address, who participated, how the study was conducted, the results, and their value. The final product should be a double-spaced 2-3 page paper, Times New Roman, 12pt font, with a complete citation.
3. The narrated presentation is due by May 5th. Effectively communicate the sociological study by clearly breaking down the different sections of the study. Use visual or other aids to help the audience understand the study, and remember that you should be taking this academic writing and translating it into your own words. Anything else could be considered plagiarism and would negatively affect your grade.
There is no slide number minimum or maximum, but they must be accompanied by a narrated presentation. This can be done by simply using YouTube or adding audio to your PPT slides.
At a minimum, your presentation should address:
The purpose of the research. What was the research question or hypothesis?
Literature Review: What do sociologists already know about the topic? What are the unanswered questions?
Who participated? How was the study conducted?
What were the results? What were the key findings from the study?
What can we do with the results? How does this research impact our daily lives?