Book analysis Matthew Stanley, Einstein’s War

1250-1500 words

Write a short essay analysing the biography. It is Matthew Stanley,
War : How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War
I (New
York, New York: Dutton, 2019). This
biography, as the author explains, follows Einstein’s life and ideas into and
out of World War One. Assess the purpose of this framework. Is the book’s focus
on the impact of war on Einstein and others trying to convince us that science
and scientists are more political than we imagine? Or, is the book’s focus on
the impact of war on Einstein and others trying to convince us that,
ultimately, science is beyond politics (after all, Einstein did succeed in
finding his calculations for general relativity)? Or, neither?

Criteria for Evaluation:
Level of your understanding of the biography’s arguments about science,
scientists and politics.
A clear argument that responds to the question, above, supported with
evidence from the book.
Writing style, including good paragraph structure, clarity, and
organizational structure.
Correct grammar and essay-mechanics (title, spelling, punctuation)
Ability to follow presentation instructions for format.

1. Your work should be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New
Roman font.
2. Use 1-inch margins, and number your pages.
3. Follow University of Chicago format for any quotations, as with your
other assignments.

*Book has to be the only reference*