Business Analtytics data set analysis project (JMP)

Paper/Project: Students will prepare a data
analysis and paper for the course. Students will need to download a data set
which includes important information for decision makers, then perform an
analysis of the data, being sure to include appropriate statistical procedures
for the types of data included. The
analysis should demonstrate your knowledge of the course material (descriptive
statistics, data visualization, linear regression or time series analysis,
and/or data mining) and must be practical to decision makers. A short statement of the hypothesis/problem
under study should be included, with literature cited where appropriate..

The 7 paper page should be double spaced and typed, and
submitted in electronic format. All
ideas, quotes, etc., must be referenced. When in doubt, reference! Although the
paper should be proofread for grammar and punctuation, the paper will be graded
mostly on content and development of ideas. You don’t need a cover page. The
paper should show that learning took place for this course. You need to develop
ideas synthesized with the ideas of others and supported with scholarly
references, but don’t regurgitate material from another work. Real world
examples make the paper more relevant. Give the name of companies with dates
and results.

The data I chose for this project
Pizza Price Data