cancer within the fire service

Overview: Complete a final project/paper on a major problem or challenge to your community that is of importance to your department and will require changes in how the department provides its service to the community. Examples of topics are child fire setting, finance problems, immigrant communities, minority recruiting, recruiting volunteers, etc. The field is wide open, but your paper must provide a real solution, that is legal and practical to the problem. Use this as a chance to apply all that you have learned to research a solution that will aid your community

I. The Research/Position Paper:
Subject: The topic of your research paper must be approved by the instructor. Your research paper must reflect your own original thoughts, even though the issues may have been previously presented elsewhere.

Format: The research paper will be 15-20 text pages long using Ariel or Times New Roman 12 point font and double-spaced throughout. The title page, abstract page, and reference page do not apply as text pages. The research paper must include a bibliography of at least six academically critical sources. While an encyclopedia may be useful as a starting point, it cannot count as one of the six sources. If there is a question about whether a source meets the academic criteria, contact the instructor. These sources may all be secondary, but primary sources may also be used. The student is encouraged to use as many sources as appropriate. However, a huge bibliography will not compensate for a weak or poorly-constructed paper. Review the “Citation and Reference Style” section of this syllabus.

Style: The style of the research paper must be in the format of a position paper for your department with the idea that this is to be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to clarify or correct a problem with the issue being addressed. As this is being written for politicians insure that you write clearly and present any options and why you chose the option you did and the legal and regulatory backup for your decision. Transition from one idea to another should be smooth. Do not number your paragraphs or sub-paragraphs and do not break them up. The following criteria are essential for the research paper:

1) introduction providing a thesis statement;
2) body providing a discussion of central themes supported by properly cited sources; and,
3) conclusion drawing together the themes of the paper in a succinct and persuasive manner.