Brent owns property on Whidbey Island. He makes a written contract with Jennifer to draft plans for a house he wants to build on the property. The contract requires that she complete the plans in a form ready to submit to the City Building Department for $3,000 by November 1st. Before she finishes she receives a rush order for some other plans for $1,500. She does not want to give up this opportunity to make more money. She tells Brent she would only finish his plans by November 1st if he agreed to pay $1,500 more to cover her not being able to do this other project. Brent agrees but does not know where he will get the additional money to pay her. They put in writing that he will pay her $1,500 more to do what she promised in the initial agreement. She finished the plans by November 1st and billed Brent for $4,500. Brent only pays $3,000. If Jennifer sues Brent for the remaining $1,500 will she win? Determine the legal principles involved and discuss who wins and how much.
Format requirements:
Cover sheet with your name and outline of paper
Minimum sections required:
1. FACTS: Description of the facts (do not make up facts), Assume the reader does not know anything about the case.
2. LAW: Define a contract. Describe each element of a contract as well as the rule concerning “pre-existing duty”. This section is to just describe the law so do not mention the facts or even Brent or Jennifer.
3. REASONING: Describe each element and how it is met or not according to the facts. Provide any other reasoning for the decision as needed.
4. DECISION: Determine the result of the claim by Jennifer against Brent.
Each section is to have its own heading. Include additional headings and subheadings as needed.
This is to be in 12pt Arial font, with 1” margins with line spacing of 1 1/2.