Describe perspectives from individuals and groups who may not support the policy.

select an existing health policy or a policy initiative and work with an appropriate legislator and/or nursing/administrative leader as a team create and promote change. The student will address the issue in a formal paper or an alternative format such as a power point presentation or a poster.
This project is inclusive of the student’s required clinical hours. Students will, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team select a policy issue to formulate a policy implementation plan and begin to implement the plan of action. This is a formal paper that is expected to adhere to APA 7th ed and professional writing standards inclusive of section titles. Plan to meet with a legislator, organizational representative, or formal leader to present the issue and specific actions necessary for implementation. Students may work individually or in teams on this project. 20 hours clinical practice required. Refer to course schedule for due date.
Grading Criteria Points
1. Introduction
• Identify the policy issue
• Summarize policy background & significance
• Describe the current status of the policy.
2. Synthesis of current evidence
• Clearly describe key evidence related to the policy issue.
• Include multiple points of view and other disciplines when appropriate.
• Describe perspectives from individuals and groups who may not support the policy.
• Make evidence-based recommendation(s).
3. Develop a policy implementation strategy
• Apply a policy model or framework utilizing an interdisciplinary approach.
• Identify short and long-term goals.
• Identify any budgetary implications that may affect the issue.
• Include a method for evaluating strategy effectiveness.
4. Describe specific actions(s) taken
• Include any documents or materials developed for the project. 30
5. Summary, conclusions, and project evaluation
• Identify strengths and limitations of the implementation strategy.
• Suggest areas for revision.
• Discussion of legislator, organization, interdisciplinary team, or leadership meeting 25
6. Format
• Proper APA
• Grammar, punctuation, sentence structure etc. are at graduate level
• Minimum of seven scholarly references
• Maximum length: 12 pages
Total points 150