poster presentation competition graduate school attached ,paper research attached poster guideline in person join the competition, Is your poster the correct size (36” X 48”)? Is your file saved as a PowerPoint or .pdf file? Poster Guidelines: General guidelines for posters can be found below. The Graduate School will be printing all posters at no cost to the student. Please email your completed poster to by the deadline listed in this document with the subject as PCFirstLast. Poster Development Is your poster written with a non-specialist audience in mind? Is there enough background/contextual information for a non-specialist to understand your work and its significance? Did you discuss the implications of your research for your field and the community at large? Proofing Did you proofread your poster, including the headings? Are all the special symbols, tables, and mathematical equations correctly displayed? Are images properly embedded (not covering up text)? Is your name (and the names of any co-authors) listed? Is your program listed? Did you include your title? Specifications Is the document orientation for your poster set to “landscape”? Is your poster the correct size (36” X 48”)? Is your file saved as a PowerPoint or .pdf file? Poster Example