The US Constitution is a time tested document written by the founders of our great country. Although much has changed over the past 200 years, the Constitution continues to provide the framework for our government and economy. Understanding that approximately 27 amendments have helped correct some injustices of the Constitution, the Constitution remains the primary guide for this country.
Explain how the Constitution has enabled the United States of America to become the strongest economy in the world. You should include how it encourages the American Dream. You should also address how our culture and environment has changed over the past 200 years and what effects it is having on the Constitution or vice-versa. Your paper should focus on the freedoms granted by the Constitution that drive the economy. This is an economics paper, not a civics lesson.
Write a 3-5 page (+citation page) paper explaining the topic as it relates to economics.
This paper will be graded primarily on two parts: Factually correct and Professionally written. Grammar, punctuation, citations, formatting are considered part of professionalism.
Paper Requirements
Small Title / Name / Date space
1 1/2 line space
12 font
1″ borders
Microsoft docx format
minimal citation required (citation page not included in page count)
citation should be referenced in the document as used (style not important; however, I should be able to find your source)
At least 2 quality sources