Complete the Mindset check up and find the grand total of your points.
Watch the 8.25 mins video “Growth Mindset – What is it?”
See what your score from the mindset check up means.
Provide written responses to the following in your initial post.
According to the Growth Mindset check up (state your point total), do you have a fixed, mixed, or growth mindset?
Are you surprised by your result? Why or why not?
Describe a situation in a previous math class when you were operating in a growth mindset. It could be a specific assignment, lesson, or topic, or a period of time like a class meeting or an entire week. Explain what factors you believe contributed to your mindset.
Describe a situation in a previous math class when you were operating in a fixed mindset. It could be a specific assignment, lesson, or topic, or a period of time like a class meeting or an entire week. Explain what factors you believe contributed to your mindset.
Describe one step you plan to take to move towards a growth mindset this semester in this course. Examples could include, time management, study habits, or self-talk.