Write a five to seven
(5-7) page report using your research. At a minimum, your report must include
the following:
1. An
introduction or overview of event management systems and the potential security
and privacy concerns which could arise when implementing this technology. This introduction should be suitable for an
executive audience. Provide a brief explanation as to why three major operating
units believe the company needs this capability.
2. An
analysis section in which you address the following:
a. Identify
and describe your chosen Use Case
b. Identify
and describe five or more types of personal / private information or data that
will be collected, stored, processed, and transmitted in conjunction with the
use case.
c. Identify
and describe five or more compliance issues related to the use of the RFID
bands to make and track mobile purchases.
d. Analyze
and discuss five or more privacy and security issues related to the use case.
Identify and discuss 3 or more relevant laws,
regulations, or standards which could impact the planned implementation of the
event management system with RFID wrist bands.
A recommendations section in which you identify
and discuss five or more best practices for security and privacy that should be
implemented before the technology is put into use by the company. Include at
least one recommendation in each of the following categories: people,
processes, policies, and technologies.
A closing section (summary) in which you summarize
the issues related to your chosen use case and the event management platform
overall. Include a summary of your recommendations to the IT Governance Board.