Introduction to Isaiah

Read the “History of Salvation Summary” on ESV 1237 (in the Introduction to Isaiah).
Then read the following “Suffering Servant” passages: ISA 42:1-9 [ESV 1315-1316];
ISA 49:1-6 [ESV 1330]; ISA 50:4-9 [ESV 1333]; and ISA 52:13-53:12
[ESV 1337-1339].
Select three (3) verses from one of these passages and explain them thoroughly.
Identify the three verses and tell why you chose these particular verses. In your
explanation of the three verses you chose, indicate what they mean, who are they
about, who was the prophet’s audience to whom he addressed these verses, why
did his audience need to hear this message, etc.
You can use ESV study notes, and/or other resources, but make sure to cite all sources
you use in this part of the assignment.
Our text says that Isaiah’s message [i.e., the entire book of Isaiah] makes an impact on
every reader in one of two ways. Which way did it make an impact on you? How?
•Your paper should be a minimum of 1 page double spaced.
•Please use Microsoft Word and upload your document in the proper place.
•Please cite all four sources.