Journal research

Please write a Journal research assignments

Textbook: Human Development, 8th edition, Author: Kail, Robert V. & Cavanaugh, John C., Publisher: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1337554831
The following is a tool to help you learn the proper use of APA citations and proper paraphrasing when you are researching and writing your posts. You will use this skill throughout your Keiser career. APA usage can be daunting at first. However, it is our belief that you will benefit greatly from this practice and gain confidence in your writing!
The following link will help you understand the basics of what goes into a citation and proper steps on paraphrasing what your research. Please review these links and then move on “Six Steps to Proper Citation” and follow these steps and choose a passage from your textbook on what is meant by the study of human development to show what you learned.
Review the Six Steps to Proper Citation.
The file is provided as an uploaded file: six-steps-proper-citation.pdf

4. Choose the passage from our textbook describing what is meant by the study of human development and apply your new APA writing tools by paraphrasing this passage with proper in text citations and adding your thoughts to this. End your assignment with a properly cited full reference from your textbook.

You should also refer to the APA help videos in Getting Started for more on this.
Grading Criteria Earned Points/ Maximum Points
Paraphrased properly
Proper use of APA for citations
Proper use of APA for full reference list
Grammar, spelling 10/10
Total 100/100