Quote Log on Freedom and Security

You will begin to gather evidence related to your chosen social issue. You will use this textual evidence to support your claims in your Case Study.
Social Issue: freedom and security
Assigned Readings:
Kristof, N. D. (2002, September 10). Security and freedom. New York Times. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A91792952/AONE?u=umd_umuc&sid=AONE&xid=c33c27b9
Haynes, D. D. (2015, May 14). Liberty vs. security: An old debate renewed in the age of terror. Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel. http://archive.jsonline.com/news/opinion/liberty-vs-security-an-old-debate-renewed-in-the-age-of-terror-b99500066z1-303775951.html/
Funk, A. & Linzer, I. (2020, March 17). How the coronavirus could trigger a backslide on freedom around the world. Washington Post. https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/docview/2377836585?accountid=14580
Stanley, J. (2018, July 16). A pro-liberty case for gun restrictions. ACLU. https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/pro-liberty-case-gun-restrictions
select 4-6 key quotes from the reading selections, and complete the following for each:
Give the bibliographic information for the reading selection source in APA format.
Give the exact quote and page number (or paragraph number, if the source has no page numbers)
Paraphrase the quote and provide an in-text citation.
Explain why you selected the quote and how the quote relates to your selected social issue and your perspective on the issue
Indicate your topic, thesis, and reasons
Give 4-6 quote log “entries” where you provide the required information (see above under content)
Review the sample quote log below.
For each source, you should include APA-style reference citations and in-text citations
Your quote log should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font.
Your final product should include log entries for 4-6 quotes. Each entry should be about 150 words in length, for a total of 600-900 words.