Study a Real Estate problem…..Please do some additional research into current challenges faced in the real estate industry so you can put together a solid problem statement….I need to be able to clearly understand the problem in real estate and the negative consequences. So Please work on determining exactly what the problem is and exactly what the results are. Then your reference sentences should support it.
Your submission will include the following and same layout:
Title Block
• Last Name, First Name
• Cognate- Real Estate
• Research Project Track (Project)
• Research Paradigm (please include)
• Planned Research Design (Case study)
• Proposed Topic (please include)
Problem Statement Bullet Outline
• General Problem Sentence
o ONE Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)
o ONE Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)
o ONE Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years)
o ONE Supporting Reference Sentence with Current Citation (< 5 years, optional bridge
supporting references sentence, see problem statement white paper)
• Specific Problem Sentence
• Relationship to Cognate (Not part of the problem statement)
• References
Annotated Bibliography for each Reference
APA formatted reference (250 words for each reference)
• Descriiption of why this is a credible source (author(s), publication, date)
• Summary of the article
• Discussion of how this reference supports the existence of the general problem and the
consequences of the problem identified in the general problem sentence.