Please write soape note on womens health problems. i have attached templates. the texts we use in class for reference are as follows 1. Cash, J. & Glass, C. (most recent edition). Family Practice Guidelines, (most recent ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
2. Colyar, M. (2015). Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.
3. Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J. E., Porter, B. O., Thomas, D. J. (most recent edition). Primary Care. The art and science of advanced practice nursing, (most recent ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.
Below is directions from the teacher on the assignment
SOAP Note – Write up a SOAP note on a patient you did a focused-exam for an acute problem in the clinical practicum. There should be no identifying information on the patient (HIPAA). This assignment is pass/fail. If it is not done according to correct format and appropriate completeness, it will need to be resubmitted up to one more time for credit. All paperwork turned in to faculty or the clinical staff must include the identifying information listed above.