Cite the textbook or any references to support your discussions (minimum 2 references APA format).
*************1ST PART*********
Anser these questions:
How is drinking water treated?
What if I have Special Health Needs?
What are health effects of contaminants in drinking water
Who is responsible for drinking water quality?
What is a violation of a drinking water standard?
How can I help protect drinking water?
*************2ND PART*********
1 page
What did you find interesting about this week’s topic on Health & Safety? Give examples
What did your learn? Give examples
What relevance does this week’s topic have on your peronal life or professional career as a physical therapist? Give examples
Include references/citations to support your answers.
*************3RD PART************
Comment on these 2 seperate posts. 4-5 sentences each
-1ST POST: Francesca-
As my initial post, I found quite a few interesting facts regarding this week’s topic on water quality. One area that stood out to me was when the public is notified by contaminated water. If the water contains harmful contaminants such as: bacteria, lead and other heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides, and /or industrial solvents, then it may be a risk to public health (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2020). Due to this risk, that information would presented to the public in a number of ways. However, if the water comes from a private well then people would not receive any notification about contaminants in the water (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2020). I find this interesting considering individuals with well water should be more aware or equally as aware since there may be a higher risk of contaminants in well water. Then later on in my general search, the other internet exercise went into depth regarding private wells. There is more risk regarding private wells and the ability to become contaminated. Unfortunately there are no standards for private wells for many of the contaminants they are concerned about (Committee on Environmental Health and Committee on Infectious, 2009). On my last note, I also learned that Massachusetts has the highest quality drinking water in the country, how lucky we are (Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2020). I’m interested in further reading about water quality for this week.
-2ND POST: Jacob-
This week we learned about water quality and the effects of unclean water on children. I found most of this topic interesting because I never put much thought into where the water I use and drink every day actually comes from. The extent of my knowledge before this week was knowing water we use in houses comes from reservoirs nearby. I didn’t know about private wells or other public water supplies. I also learned about what possible dangers could be in the water I use and drink every day. I learned about how to avoid them and test for them in my water as well. Bacteria, lead and other heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, and industrial solvents are all possibly present in water sources. However, there are standards on cleanliness that the state requires as minimum standards. They must meet this standard in order to be considered healthy enough to be brought to homes in that state. When the health of water is compromised I learned that they can have a boil water order. This means that everyone must boil their water before use to ensure the people are healthy and safe. They have to boil water before consumption, brushing their teeth, cooking, or any other way we may ingest some water. getting your water tested is very important. Many labs help with the process and test for toxins and other earlier mentioned hazards that can cause harm in our water. This can be helpful to know for the future because we all use and drink water every day. Paying attention to when there is a boil water order may keep us healthy in the future. It also helps to know where our most vital source comes from and know it is healthy for use. Education on how these harmful chemicals affect us is also important because then we know the signs that our water may be contaminated.