What are the ethical issues that arose from the way the COVID19 outbreak has been handled by governments and their instrumentalities?

What are the ethical issues that arose from the way the COVID19 outbreak has been handled by governments and their instrumentalities?” In your answer, you should consider: o the leadership issues that arose during COVID19 (based on the case study and your readings for this subject, in general) o the ethical issues which were identified in the case study o your analysis of the ethical issues based on a selected ethical framework or approach. • With relevant and up to date (or seminal) references, present your conclusion in approximately 250 wo‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌rds. Intent This assessment item focuses on leadership during times of crisis. It considers the ethical and moral stances required of health and social care leaders, particularly but not only during times of stress. This assessment will give you the opportunity to not only consider what leaders have or have not done during the COVID19 pandemic, but it will help you evaluate whether their actions made things better or worse, and for whom. Objective This assessment task addresses these subject learning objectives: • A. Review and evaluate leadership theories and practices relevant to health and social care • B. Critically analyse problems in health and social services that require leadership as part of their solution • D. Review leadership theories, models and approaches, and consider the issues associated with their application in health and social care contexts • Are reflective critical thinkers who examine and contribute to practice, policy and research to achieve clinical excellence and enhance health outcomes • Identify, synthesise, evaluate and apply the best available evidence for translation into practice to achieve optimal health outcomes • Are visionary, innova‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‌‌tive and responsive leaders