What are the tradeoffs Watch this video: https://youtu.be/DRkhppxZzL0 Harvard Business School. (2012, March 20). Michael Porter on “Value-Based Health Care Delivery”. Retrieved from YouTube: https://youtu.be/DRkhppxZzL0. • Elaborate on the lessons learned in this video. • You have studied India’s health care system in terms of cost, quality, and access. • How does this video help you identify the tradeoffs India has made in health care? Share your initial discussion post based on the assignment guidelines. Use course content and external sources to support your thoughts. Write a 500 to 750-word-initial discussion post. Please be sure to provide references to the peer-reviewed literature. Support your analysis with the most current literature possible. Use of external non-peer reviewed sources can also be utilized in conjunction with your peer-reviewed sources such as government websites and think tanks. A minimum of 2-3 references from academic peer-reviewed journals is required. Citing reputable sources in APA format is a requirement for this assignment.