What did you already know about this topic prior to reading?

Read chapters 3 and 4 Owocki &Goodman. “Kidwatching”
Read chapters 2 and 3 Johnson & Keier
Read Hoffman & Roser “Reading and Writing the World”

Write a reflection of readings.
12 -point, Times New Roman
APA format
Include reference page.

Identify the main/key points
Identify the purpose/impact of the text
What ideas stood out to you? What new ideas did you encounter?
Did the point of the text confirm your background knowledge/schema or did it provide new and/or oppositional information?
Share the development of your ideas (through/with/from the readings):

What did you already know about this topic prior to reading?
Did this text challenge any assumptions you had?
Make Connections Across:

How do these texts help you to better understand the topic?