Why college tuition should be lowered

Chapter Five provides content related to the writing process. Your APA manual will be significant help in the process of writing. For this assignment, we will move back to Chapter 4 of your text pages 118-119 “Practical Application Judging the Feasibility of a Research Project”. Using the Checklist provided, Determining Whether a Proposed Research Project is Realistic and Pratical, answer the 13 questions as they relate to the research problem you have chosen. You will certainly use the information you completed for the assignments in the previous modules. This checklist will help you refine the process you will use for writing the final Research Proposal that is a requirement for this class.
So that your submission will be clear, please number each question in the checklist and state your answer in a complete sentence. Underline your specific response. You do not need to rewrite the question. For example:
#1 The area my problem will deal with is records.
In the upper right corner of the checklist, please type your full name and Chapter Five. Center the title of the Checklist.
The assignment for Chapter Five should be submitted to the drop box no later than 10:00 p.m. CST.