Write an introduction as if it was going into a research paper, using Seeley’s and Trussels work as guidlines on the snail and crab relationship.

This is the first attempt at your snail (term) paper introduction. Remember that your Introduction should contain (in no particular order):
– Background on the Snail-Crab relationship including the sci names of the species involved.
-Natural Selection.
– Phenotypic Plasticity.
-Seeley’s work.
Seeley, Robin H., Intense natural selection caused rapid morphological transition in a living marine snail, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, Vol. 83, pp. 6897-6901, 1986.

– Trussell’s work.
Trussell, Geoffrey C., Phenotypic plasticity in an intertidal snail: the role of a common crab predator, Evolution 50(1) pp. 448-454, 1996.

– create a research question

Approximately 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. A reference list is not required at this time but you can include one if you so choose.

Please write an introduction as if it was going into a research paper, using Seeley’s and Trussels work as guidlines on the snail and crab relationship. Must discuss thier finding in the introduction.