This is the first attempt at your snail (term) paper introduction. Remember that your Introduction should contain (in no particular order):
– Background on the Snail-Crab relationship including the sci names of the species involved.
-Natural Selection.
– Phenotypic Plasticity.
-Seeley’s work.
Seeley, Robin H., Intense natural selection caused rapid morphological transition in a living marine snail, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, Vol. 83, pp. 6897-6901, 1986.
– Trussell’s work.
Trussell, Geoffrey C., Phenotypic plasticity in an intertidal snail: the role of a common crab predator, Evolution 50(1) pp. 448-454, 1996.
– create a research question
Approximately 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font. A reference list is not required at this time but you can include one if you so choose.
Please write an introduction as if it was going into a research paper, using Seeley’s and Trussels work as guidlines on the snail and crab relationship. Must discuss thier finding in the introduction.