Discuss the relationship of the reading to your episode (mandatory question).

Please think about the following discussion questions. There is one mandatory question and a few more optional ones. If you have room in your initial response after the mandatory question, answer another one, or answer it in one of your replies to your peers. When you reply to your peers, you are welcome to weave in your thoughts on a question you didn’t answer in your original post. You are required to bring in the text in a way that demonstrates you are reading it deeply. You should rely on your reading journal, activity notes, and the reading in order to engage in this discussion board. Bring together reading, activity, discussion questions.

See the discussion rubric and the video I posted before posting. Initial posts due Thursday 11:59pm, all response posts spread out between Thursday and Sunday 11:59pm.

Discuss the relationship of the reading to your episode (mandatory question).
In other words, how did the podcast help you further understand Crenshaw’s (1990) main argument?
How did Crenshaw (1990) help you more deeply understand the aspects of framing and positionality in the IPM?
What key information did you learn from the podcast and reading that helped you gain a deeper understanding of the Covid-19 Pandemic?
How do you think Crenshaw would define the role of communication in the different aspects of culture?
Meaning: political culture; economic culture; social culture, etc.
Using the reading and podcast episode, discuss the relationship between culture, communication, and intersectionality.
What did you learn about yourself after this reading and podcast?
Relatedly, how did/does it feel to learn this new information?
Just use one thread! The first person who posts will start a thread. You can title it whatever you want related to the weekly content. Feel free to be creative! Then, everyone in the group should post their original and response posts within that thread, not start a new one. This keeps everything a bit easier to see/engage with. So, if you see a thread already started for your group, this means you should “reply” to them instead of creating a new thread.

You are split into smaller discussion groups. These will change number and membership every few weeks so you get a variety of different interactions, just like we would in a face-to-face class.


When you paraphrase, you’re putting the author’s words into your own words, but you still have to give the author credit for the idea since it’s not yours. You do this by stating their last name and the year.

EX: Communication is natural and cultural, in the sense that it emanates from us naturally and is shaped by culture. And in the sense that it (re)presents nature and culture (Carbaugh, 1999). > This is Carbaugh’s ideas, but my words.

When you directly quote, you include author’s last name, year, and page number as well as quotation marks.

EX: “Communication can thus be conceived as radically and doubly ‘placed,’ as both located in places and as locating particular senses of those places” (Carbaugh, 1996, p. 38).