Does Wal-Mart have a competitor?

Does Wal-Mart have a competitor? Why or why not?
Evaluate knockoff rip-offs. What are they? Which industries are most prone to knockoffs? Why do you think the knockoff business is booming?
Please number each question for your response

Each question is worth 10pts = Total 20pts.

Assignment Guidelines: Assignments are required to meet the following guidelines. Assignments that do not follow this format will not receive full credit.

Title Page: Should include the name of the assignment, our class info and your name.

Paper Length: For both questions – total – Approx. 2-3 double-spaced pages of content (the Title and Reference Pages are separate) – you may exceed the page limit a little bit if you need.

Font: Times Roman 12

Line Spacing: Everything must be double-spaced

Style: Use the American Psychological Association manual for formatting (e.g., references, citations, quotes, tables, page layout)

Quotes: Only 1 short quote is allowed throughout the entire paper. Quotes are single spaced.

Citations: Everything must be appropriately cited in the text and in the Reference section. (This section should not be called “works cited” or Bibliography)

Spelling: Spelling errors will result in a deduction of points

Grammar: Poor grammar will result in a deduction of points


-All references must be put in the Reference section

-All references in the Reference section must be used in the paper

-References from academic journals, reports and government sources are highly recommended