Evidence-Based (Phenomenon of Interest Assignment)

(1) The writer should look for either a current clinical practice guideline or position statement relating to my phenomenon of interest – “Addressing Nurse-to-patient ratio in a medical-surgical unit.”

The guideline or position statement should be detailed in order for the writer to be able to critically appraise it.

(2) Regarding step 4 question,(Tool Completion), The writer will critically appraise a clinical practice guideline or position statement relating to my phenomenon of interest – “Addressing Nurse-to-patient ratio in a medical-surgical unit.”

(3) The writer will critically appraise the clinical practice guideline or position statement by using APPENDIX F NON-Research Evidence Appraisal Form on pages 1 and 5. On page 5 of the appraisal form, the writer should ignore the bottom part of page 5. The writer should only do the quality rating for either clinical practice guideline or position statement.

The writer will need to address each question or section of the tool as it applies to the required information.

After the completion of appraisal forms, the writer should send the forms separately. Full analysis of the clinical practice guideline or position statement is required in order to get full credit.


Page limit: 6 pages excluding title page and references.

The writer should write in THIRD PERSON ONLY for all sections of this paper.


References/Guidelines or Position Statement: Peer-reviewed references are required for this paper. The peer-reviewed references, guideline, or position statement should be current, no older than 5 years.

The format should be APA format.