Your self-concept is the relatively stable set of perceptions that you hold of yourself. The self-concept
includes our conception of what is unique about us and what makes us both similar and different from
others. To gain an understanding of how this theoretical concept applies to you, you will write an original
3-5 page paper that effectively answers the questions listed below. Read Chapter 2 closely (The Selfconcept Defined) before writing your paper, and use as many effective examples (from your own life
experience) as possible:
1) Answer the question “Who are you?” by listing and discussing traits and characteristics that describe
you. Consider the following:
a) Physical characteristics, b) Social traits, c) Social roles, d) Defining interests, e) Talents you possess or
lack, f) Your beliefsystems
2) How does your self-esteem influence yourself-concept?
3) How do significant others influence yourself-concept?
4) How does culture influence yourself-concept?
5) How does your self-concept influence your communication withothers?
6) Explain how your self-concept influence might your future communication and behavior?
A minimum of 2 authoritative sources are required, and must include each of the following:
1) An in-person interview that you conduct yourself to learn more about your early life
experiences and the role others played in the development of your self-concept; the
interviewee should be a family member, friend, or mentor who knew you well when you were
younger (preferably, when you were a child)
2) An authoritative book or article (if you’re not sure if a source is authoritative, consult me). You
can use our book as your authoritative book.