memory forum

ALL work must be in your own words and you must explain & define key terms and not just list them. For this assignment please address the questions in about 800 words (this is 800 words total, not 800 words per question!) Be sure that you number your answers and please hit return between paragraphs. Please do not submit an attachment, although you are encouraged to type and save your responses in Microsoft Word and then cut and paste your answer into the text box when ready.
Here are the questions/topics to address:
1.) Tell us explicitly about your study habits; how do you go about preparing for exams and learning? How effective have your study strategies been in the past? Do not use vague terms like study, review, go over, look over, and the like. What behaviors are you doing when you study? What strategies have been most effective for you? Least effective?
2.) Give a comprehensive summary of EACH of the FIVE videos by Dr. Stephen Chew. Please identify which video to which you are referring
by labeling them; for example:
Video 1: discuss summary…..
Video 2: discuss summary..
…and do this for each video. It is very important that you define/explain terms. It is not a high-quality answer to say “I learned about
metacognition, deep processing, and shallow processing.” Be sure you explain and define terms in your own words.
3.) What specific strategies can you do differently having read the chapter and watched these videos? Be sure you incorporate his ideas and the vocabulary here.
For the first video, include what the APA style in-text citation would be at the end of its summary. After question 3, provide a reference for the first video were you list the full APA style reference for just the one video. Technically, you would write a reference for all 5 videos but that’s
redundant so not necessary for our purposes.
Again, you must use your own words and be sure to explain what you learned in terms of defining concepts. Taking direct quotes does not
demonstrate your learning and will significantly lower your grade. You must post your forum reply before you will see other posts. If you post a
blank or incomplete forum (and then get access to others work), only your first post will be graded.
video 1:

video 2:

video 3:


video 5:

review this page to learn how to properly do youtube video citations:
APA Style 6th Edition Blog: How to Create a Reference for a YouTube Video
review the APA style doc attatched to this assignment.