The Frivolity of Evil
read the aritcle !!
Then, you will type a 700 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Explicitly apply at least one concept or insight from one of the philosophers you have learned about in this course to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation (in 3-5 sentences) of how your chosen concept or insight is relevant to your analysis. Also, be sure to cite your source using MLA format (this includes at least one in-text citation as well as a Works Cited Page at the end.
A WORD OF WARNING: This article is rather long and complex. The author likes to make extensive use of his rather copious vocabulary, so I strongly urge you to have handy as you work your way through this piece. The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to discuss, analyze, and evaluate complex philosophic arguments. I am confident that the reading assignments, tests, and discussion boards will have prepared you for this final, and no doubt challenging, essay assignment.
Note: I only allow one attempt on this assignment. Students who do not fully address all of the components of the assignment as stated in the instructions as well as the grading rubric below will have to be content with the grade they earned.
I Wrote about question 1
The article “The Frivolity of Evil” by Theodore Dalrymple states people can be affected by external and negative influences. The author is a cultural critic and psychiatrist, and he say, “I had the choice to do something more pleasing if I had wished, and I was paid, if not munificently, at least adequately” (Dalrymple). He thought the poor more interesting than the rich, and He worked as a psychiatrist in Great Britains slums. He could analyze fundamental of human existence. It made him have a unique perspective and deep insight. As a result, Dalrymple concluded people could participate in their misfortune, and Social and ideological pressures and influences can make bad decisions and people become calamitous.
In the article, Dalrymple supports all his opinions by using appropriate examples. His various experiences