What medication(s) would you prescribe in addition to what Haley is already taking?

Resources to support completion of this assignment:
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. (2020). 2020 global strategy for prevention, diagnosis and management of COPD
(Links to an external site.)
Global Initiative for Asthma. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention, 2020. Available from www.ginasthma.org
(Links to an external site.)
Direct link to pocket guide: https://ginasthma.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/GINA-2020-full-report_-final-_wms.pdf
question 1
The Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan (SOAP) note is a method of documentation used by NPs and other healthcare professionals and includes:
S: subjective information provided by the patient
O: objective information obtained by the provider
A: assessment is the medical diagnosis rather than the physical assessment. *Hint, this information has already been provided to you in the case.
P: medical plan.
Write a brief SOAP note addressing Haley’s presentation to the clinic and chief complaint. Be sure to include each component: SOAP. A reference is not required for this question.
question 2 Based on table 62.9 in your book and the infographic in the course on “The Things to Remember When Treating Asthma”, how would you classify Haley’s asthma?
questions 3 What medication(s) would you prescribe in addition to what Haley is already taking? Provide drug name, dose, and directions for each drug/drug class you would like to order at this time.
question 4 What is your rationale for the medication you chose to prescribe?
question 5 What type of patient education would you provide to Haley and her father on controlling her asthma?