Why are industries fragmented? What are the primary ways in which companies can turn a fragmented industry into a consolidated industry?

GEB4935 Lesson 06 – Discussion
Choose (2) of the available prompts below:
1. Why are industries fragmented? What are the
primary ways in which companies can turn a fragmented industry into a
consolidated industry?
2. What are the key problems in maintaining a competitive
advantage in embryonic and growth industry environments? What are the dangers
associated with being the leader in an industry?
3. What investment strategies should be made by:
(a) differentiators in a strong competitive position, and (b) differentiators
in a weak competitive position, while managing a company’s growth through the
life cycle?
4. Discuss how companies can use: (a) product
differentiation, and (b) capacity control to manage rivalry and increase an
industry’s profitability.
5. What strategies might these enterprises use to
strengthen their business models (a) a small pizzeria operating in a crowded
college market, and (b) a detergent manufacturer seeking to unveil new products
in an established market?

GEB3375 Lesson Step 2 – Global Research Project Form
Utilize the
“Global Research Project” PDF to conduct research on your country.
You have two options in submitting
this assignment (pick one):
Simply indicate your responses to the research questions in
the “typeform” space provided in the pdf-file. *Remember to
click “the save button” frequently to ensure all your
responses are recorded and saved. Then upload the PDF (with the saved research).
If you are not able to use the PDF “typeform” you may
create a “Word Document”
that addresses the exact research questions. You must write each question
and then provide the response(s) below the question. Be
creative if you use this option. You have the autonomy to add
pictures and graphs and utilize innovative formating and
structure. Then convert the word document to a PDF document and upload
via submission portal (with the saved research). Microsoft word should have an
easy method built-in to convert files. *If you are not sure how to proceed, you
can click here (Links to an external site.) to
convert files online.